Lawn Tennis Ball Size, Weight, Measurement & Dimension Guide

Lawn Tennis Ball Size, Measurement & Dimension Guide

According to statistics, lawn tennis is one of the top 10 popular global sports and has over 1 billion estimated followers globally. Be it a leisure sport or a professional tournament game, lawn tennis never disappoints us when it comes to entertainment.

In order to play this game to the fullest potential, we should have proper lawn tennis court measurements, Tennis net measurement should be standard and mount account to the guideline and we must also use the standard tennis ball recommended by The International Tennis Federation (ITF). Here we have a detailed guide on Lawn tennis ball size, measurements, and dimension illustration.

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What is a TENNIS BALL?

A tennis ball is a ball used to play tennis. It is sports equipment made with a felt coating (features aerodynamics) and high-quality cloth. It has pressurized air inside the hollow rubber core. It usually is colored in either fluorescent Yellow or white.

Lawn Tennis Ball Measurement Illustration

Standard Dimension of Tennis Ball Size.

According to its standard sizing system, a tennis ball must have a diameter between 2.57 inches to 2.70 inches. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) specified the size as mentioned earlier of a Tennis Ball. And the tennis ball weights between 56 to 59g.
Any tennis ball exceeding the given parameter would not be taken into consideration in any professional tennis match.

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Lawn Tennis Ball Size, Measurement & Dimension Guide

Tennis ball Measurement Details

The data above specifically explains the diameter and the standard weight of a Tennis Ball. But while you purchase a tennis ball, how do you measure it?

The professional way of measuring a tennis ball is by using a Vernier Caliper. It is an instrument that accurately measures the diameter of a Tennis Ball that gives you an error-free measurement.

So first, place the tennis ball in between the two jaws of Vernier Caliper and adjust the scale. The pressure between the jaws must be enough to hold the ball and not more than that.

Now that you have got the coinciding scale from the Vernier Caliper, multiply it with 0.01 to convert it into cm. Then, add the main scale with the vernier scale reading. The number you get is the diameter of the tennis ball.

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Tennis Ball Size & Dimension Chart





 Championship/Professional Ball 


6.54-6.86 cm (2.57-2.70 in.)

Same As Type 2. 6.54-6.86 cm (2.57-2.70 in.)

7.00-7.30 cm (2.76-2.87 in.)

6.54-6.86 cm (2.57-2.70 in.)


135-147 cm (53-58 in.)

Same As Type 2. 135-147 cm (53-58 in.)

135-147 cm (53-58 in.)

122-135 cm (48-53 in.)


White or Yellow

Same As Type 2. White or Yellow

White or Yellow

White or Yellow


0.67-0.91 cm (0.264-0.358 in.)

0.80-1.08 cm (0.315-0.425 in.)

0.80-1.08 cm (0.315-0.425 in.)

0.80-1.08 cm (0.315-0.425 in.)


56.0-59.4 grams (1.975-2.095 oz.)

56.0-59.4 grams (1.975-2.095 oz.)

56.0-59.4 grams (1.975-2.095 oz.)

56.0-59.4 grams (1.975-2.095 oz.)


0.50-0.60 cm (0.197-0.236 in.)

0.56-0.74 cm (0.220-0.291 in.)

0.56-0.74 cm (0.220-0.291 in.)

0.56-0.74 cm (0.220-0.291 in.)


Which tennis ball Should I choose?

Picking up the right tennis ball is tricky unless you know the ins and outs of the tennis ball. There are various kinds of tennis balls available in the market, but everyone isn’t right for you. The level of your game, your requirement, the kind of court decides the kind of ball you would need.

Here, we have laid down different conditions according to which you can choose your tennis ball.

Apportionment of Tennis Ball According to the Game Level:

A) For beginners, the soft tennis ball is appropriate. These kinds of balls are made for learning purposes only. While playing with it, the players would not realize much of a difference with a standard and classic tennis ball, but it is better for their arm. It will feel light and ensure safety as it is less prone to the possibility of a wound.

B) The players who have been playing tennis for a while, have a little experience, and are ready to play for the competition can go with a soft tennis ball. But it is fit when they practice. But in an actual competition, they will have to play with a professional and standard tennis ball. Therefore, we recommend the juniors or the competitive level players alternate the use of the soft tennis and professional tennis ball while practicing.

C) For the professionals, the standard and the professional tennis ball will be perfect.

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Apportionment based on players’ age.

a. If you are choosing a ball for your kid, you must go for slower balls. You need a ball that would not bring bruises on your kid and is easy to play with. Therefore, you can choose foam tennis balls. These are comparatively softer and slower than the other balls.

b. If you have a grown-up kid, who likes to play once or twice a month, you better go for tennis balls since they are soft and durable tennis balls.

If you live at a high altitude, go for pressure less balls. This kind of ball does not contain the pressurized air inside its core which is why it has less bounce. If you are thinking about how would you identify a pressure less ball, then know that a ball packed in a simple box without any vacuum packaging is a pressure less ball?

The pressurized balls usually come in a vacuum packaging that you need to pop.

If you are practicing on the hard tennis court, go for extra duty balls. These are made with nylon and wool, so it is more durable than the regular tennis ball.

This is how your tennis requirements can filter the choice of balls. Assess your needs and then pick up the balls.

Tennis Ball size in Inches:

2.575 to 2.700 is the standard Tennis Ball size in Inches:

Tennis Ball size in Centimeters

65.41 to 68.58 is the standard Tennis Ball size in Centimeters.

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Which Tennis Ball is Good For Beginners?

A beginner is a person who is just starting to play tennis. Any professional tennis ball would be hard to manage for them. Hence, you need a ball that is soft and less prone to the risks of injury.

On the market, you can find tennis balls made of foam. It is the easiest ball to play with since it is slower than the other tennis balls. And since you are a beginner, you must go for the tennis balls that ensure your safety and contribute to your game to continue your practices.

Types of Tennis Ball

Various types of tennis balls are available for players. But every ball is not for everyone. There are categories of Tennis balls to choose from. We have listed down different types of tennis balls that are played by different kinds of players at different levels of the game. It further depends on the aspect of a tennis court.

a. Pressurized tennis ball (Fast Ball).

The standard professional tennis ball is pressurized. In this kind of ball, pressurized air is incorporated on the core, which creates the possibility of bounce more than usual.

b. Pressure less Tennis ball (Slow Balls).

It is the opposite of a pressurized tennis ball. Unlike professional tennis balls, this particular kind of ball has no such air pressure inside. It doesn’t contain the compressed air in its core; therefore, it doesn’t cause high bounce.

This tennis ball is slow as they are pressure less and hence has no great impact. It is good for beginners and kids,

c. Regular Duty Balls.

The regular-duty balls are soft in nature and hence, appropriate to play in clay court. The material proportion of making the regular duty ball is higher on the sides of wool than the nylon. It is durable in clay and indoor tennis courts, but would not last as long as it should on a hard Court.

d. Extra Duty Balls.

Unlike the regular duty balls, the extra duty balls are best for the hard courts. It is made with some extra wool, so it is accustomed to the stiffness of the hardcourt. If you are prepared to play on a hard court or prepare for any competitive Tennis Tournament, you better go for extra duty balls.

e. High Altitude Balls.

If you are someone residing in high-altitude places which are above sea level, go for the specific high altitude ball. In such places, the air pressure is comparatively higher, therefore any pressure less ball would do well. You can find more references about high-altitude balls on the chart provided below.

f. Championship Tennis Ball.

It is one such kind of tennis ball available in every tennis shop. It is one of the most affordable, durable, and convenient kinds of tennis balls. If you practice in a club or just to keep up with your learning, then a Championship tennis ball is the best for you.

g. Professional Tennis Ball.

The name has its literal meaning. Unlike the Championship tennis ball, it is expensive and not as durable as the Championship tennis ball. However, it provides a better feel to its players.

How does a Tennis Ball Differ from a Cricket Ball?

We often get this question on our social media profiles and thought to make it clear here. In the Subcontinent region, people use a softer version of a cricket ball in unofficial or in ‘Gully’ cricket, which is called the ‘tennis ball’. But a tennis ball is absolutely different than a formal cricket ball.

A tennis ball and a cricket ball have major differences. One simple difference between a tennis ball and a cricket ball is that the first one is played in a tennis sport and this cricket ball is used to play cricket. But there lie other major aspects as well that differ a tennis ball from that of a cricket.

a. Size of the ball.

Our first point of differentiation is the size of the ball. The standard size of a tennis ball is of a diameter between 2.57inch- 2.70inch.

The cricket ball is wider than the tennis ball and hence ranges within the diameter of 2.80inch-2.86 inches.

b. Weight of the ball.

The tennis ball weighs within the range of 56 to 59 grams.

On the other hand, a cricket ball weighs between 155.9 to 163 grams which is 3 times heavier than a tennis ball.

c. Material of the ball.

A tennis ball is made with a rubber core and pressurized air inside. It has a felt coating made with high-quality cloth.

Whereas, a cricket ball is made with a cork core. The outer covering of a cricket ball is made of leather and it is wound with string.

d. Color of the ball.

Usually, the Tennis balls come in fluorescent yellow color, but sometimes it is also made in white.

On the contrary, you will find a cricket ball colored either red or white. The red ball is often used to play one-day matches and the white balls are practiced in other matches.

e. Aspect of bounce.

A tennis ball bounces higher than a cricket ball. Its pressurized air on the hollow rubber core let it bounce several times on a single hit.

If compared, the cricket ball bounces a bit lower than a tennis ball. If thrown from the height of 2m, it would bounce to 0.67m in height. Compared to this, a tennis ball can bounce even more.

These were a few of the practical and factual distinctions between a cricket ball and a tennis ball. However, there is a point of similitude as well. Both the tennis and cricket balls are floatable.

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Standard Tennis Ball Bounce – Self Test Guide

Tennis ball bounce is another critical factor that significantly affects the game experience. Uneven bounce can affect players’ performance as it becomes difficult to coordinate with hands and eye combinations. This is why it is imperative to check the tennis ball bounce when you purchase a new pack. Here is the standard procedure you can follow to determine whether a tennis ball should be considered a standard one or not.

A standard-approved tennis ball will have a certain bounce. To check if it works well or not, you should perform a bounce test first before start playing.

Drop the tennis ball from the height of 100 inches (254 cm) onto concrete and according to the standard guideline, it should bounce 53” (135 cm) to 58” (147 cm).

Weather condition to note:

As we all know, according to the law of physics, weather conditions can affect the bounce rate, and the above guideline is based on the bounce test at standard sea-level height (not high altitude) and under average temperate of 68F/20C with a relative humidity of 60%.


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