Women’s International Shoe Size Conversion Chart


Women’s International Shoe Size Conversion Chart

We have made this separate chart compairing all women’s shoe sizes internationally. One can have a clear idea how the US, UK & Europe show size is compared with the Japan, Australia, and the Chinese shoe size system. All these countries have their own measuring system. Considering the mejor shoe size system,s there are 7 most common around the world, starting from American, British, European, Australian (Indian), Japanese (Korean), and Chinese and we have listed the convertion chart below.

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Women’s International Shoe Size Conversion Chart

US UK Europe Australia China Japan
5 2.5 35 3.5 35.5 21
6 3.5 36 4.5 37 22
6.5 4 37 5 38 22.5
7.5 5 38 6 39 23.5
8.5 6 39 7 40 24.5
9 6 ½ 40 7.5 41 25
9.5 7 41 8 42 25.5
10 7.5 42 8.5 43 26
10.5 8 43 9 44 27
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Women Size Chart by Country & Continent

International UK Mexico
Canada Japan Germany
Europe Finland Indian
Denmark France Australia



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